Expansion News
We are excited that our 26-bedroom expansion in Garrison Tower is complete!
We now have a total of 40 bedrooms, beautiful new community spaces, an amazing kitchen and some new amenities – including a playroom for siblings and a hair salon. After having to turn away those who need us 2,201 times in 2019 due to lack of space, we are now able to ensure that more families can stay within minutes of their hospitalized child amid a community of support.
Special thanks go to AbbVie who shares our vision of a world where all children have access to medical care, and where their families are supported and can be actively involved in every step of their health journey. AbbVie’s donation of $2.4 million towards our $4.5 million project will help save families over $1 million a year in food and lodging costs.
To learn more about our programs or request a tour, please contact Susan Adams, RMHC-OKC President and CEO at 405-424-6873 x104 or sadams@rmhc-okc.org.