Our Relationship With Mcdonald’s
RMHC Founding Mission Partner since 1974
Often we are asked about our relationship with McDonald’s. The McDonald’s system including local owner/operators, suppliers, employees and customers call our mission their own. Local McDonald’s restaurants have opened their hearts to Ronald McDonald House Charities® Oklahoma City, providing invaluable support.
Today, we are stronger than ever due in large part to the continued resources from our Founding Mission Partner. Their support, extends from monetary contributions to volunteerism; from board participation to media donations, and has helped us impact thousands of lives by giving children support, stability and the best medicine of all – their families.
Every day of the year, McDonald’s gives their customers who want to support our families the opportunity to drop their change in the donation box at restaurant counters and drive thru windows.
Thank you, McDonald’s, for helping families stay close to their ill or injured children and the resources they need.
Although McDonald’s is one of our largest corporate partners, no one company or individual can solely fund the growing need for our programs and services. Your support, as well as the support of the entire community, is needed and greatly valued. The help you give RMHC-OKC, whether it is through funding, time or fundraising efforts, makes it possible for families to spend more time with their child, interact with their clinical care team, and participate in critical medical care decisions.