23 Aug Walk For Kids 2023
Walk for Kids 2023 a Success!
Weather delays couldn’t stop the fun of our 2023 Walk for Kids event! After our unpredictable OK weather caused us to bump the date to July, we had a blast as we raised funds and awareness for families served by RMHC-OKC.
RMHC-OKC provides a “home-away-from-home” for families with seriously ill or injured children receiving medical treatment in the Oklahoma City area. Our programs are built on the idea that nothing should keep a family from being at their hospitalized child’s bedside. They should not have to worry about where they will get their next meal, or where they will sleep at night.
Our programs are provided at no cost to guest families.
And that’s why we walk.
Individuals and teams signed up, put on their walking shoes and had a fantastic morning supporting our mission.
Watch for more details about our 2024 Walk for Kids – we hope to see you there!