01 Feb 40 years – About our Founding
In 2024, we celebrate 40 years of providing families with hospitalized children a place to stay close to their children and our global charity will celebrate 50 years of service.
We will share lots of history, photos, celebrations and more throughout the year. You can also follow along on social media for more news and updates.
Local Founding
The project was led locally by Children’s Tomorrow House, Inc and included wide community support, including from groups such as the Downtown Rotary Club, Junior Hospitality Club, Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, the Kerr Foundation and more. This was in addition to the partnership and generous support of McDonald’s and the Ray Kroc Foundation.
The House was designed to include 10 bedrooms, common living and kitchen areas, laundry facilities and a playground – everything a family would need to feel at home while away from home.
The plaque shown here hung at the original House, located at NE 14th and Lottie, for more than 30 years.
“The House will provide housing for young patients and their families who seek treatment at the hospital.” William Ripley, board chair, said during construction. “The House would benefit hundreds of Oklahomans who pay large lodging bills during the time they are in OKC for treatment, and perhaps one of the biggest benefits of the house is that it will be a place where families can meet to discuss their problems and their feelings.”
Founding Board of Directors
We’d like to extend a sincere thank you to the original board of directors for their commitment to families seeking medical care. Their vision and efforts were instrumental in our founding and led to the impact we have had on so many families.